The Community of New Possibilities
Who we are
We are FEARLESSLY committed to:
and Accepting
Based on our faith in Jesus Christ we are called to worship God and be guided by the Holy Spirit. We join in the redemptive work in the world through Jesus Christ. We build community through studying scripture, celebrating the sacraments, praying, combining scripture with song, breaking bread, and working together. We believe God’s vision is open to all people. God’s vision for us is to be a community of humility and healing full of love and hope; a center of service to our congregation and surrounding community.
We believe that God opens up new possibilities in our lives every day - new possibilities for worship, new possibilities for service, new possibilities to share the peace and love of Christ with those we meet. Check out our website and visit us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. All are welcome!
Join us on Sundays
Join us Sundays at 10 AM for worship and community. Our church campus is located at 4963 Balboa Blvd. Encino, CA 91316.
You can also join us via live stream!
Join us on Wednesdays
We meet online to share concerns and pray for each other as we enjoy God's love in community. We invite you to do that connecting with us during a time of prayer and fellowship Wednesday mornings at 7 AM.
It is a great way to start the day. We hope you can join us.
Support for Communities
Join us at 9:30 AM on the first Saturday of each month for the burrito ministry. Help us make burritos for the unhoused.

Encino Presbyterian Children’s Center
Encino Presbyterian Children's Center is a non-profit childcare center offering care for children ages 2 through 11 years. Founded in 1961 as a modest half-day nursery, EPCC has grown to serve over 200 families each year. Our dedicated staff of trained childcare professionals work diligently to serve your child's needs and make his or her experience at EPCC a positive, nurturing experience.
Upcoming events.
To see events, click on the highlighted dates.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(818) 788-1147